Why 3Play?


Before partnering with 3Play Media for captioning and transcription services, Portland Community College faced a number of challenges in captioning its video content in-house. However, PCC found that many of its captioning challenges were solved by working with 3Play Media and utilizing the Kaltura integration to streamline the process. In doing so, they were able to save time and resources.

Portland Community College Snapshot

The Impact of Efficient Captioning Workflows


Haris, who analyzes course media for accessibility compliance and researches new processes and technologies, found that if he could simplify the captioning process, professors would send in their captioning requests in a more timely manner.

Haris believes that professors often have common misconceptions about captioning; perhaps they feel that Disability Services can’t handle last-minute requests or that captioning will require a lot of effort. However, developing a relationship with 3Play Media simplified the process immensely and gave Haris and Disability Services more time to align with professors.

Professors can now send Disability Services the video that they want captioned, and Haris takes it from there. As long as professors send their video 24 hours before the class, they can submit the video to 3Play and get the captions back in time for the class. Fast and efficient!

Once professors realized that the process is not burdensome, they came to appreciate captions even more. In fact, PCC finds that many instructors now want Disability Services to caption all videos they show in class, even if there is no request.

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