wordlists for 3Play Media

What are Wordlists? 💬

Wordlists allow users of Live Auto Captioning to submit a glossary of terms to improve the visual accuracy of the automatic speech recognition (ASR) on those words. A wordlist is a custom feature unique to 3Play Media that was created to increase the accuracy of words in a live stream.

When Should You Use Wordlists? ⏱️

Users can submit wordlists for commonly used proper pronouns, complex terms and/or phrases that occur in the live stream. When users submit a wordlist for their live event, the ASR technology listens for those words detected in the live stream and captions those words exactly as given in the wordlist, with proper spelling and punctuation.

Why Should You Use Wordlists? 🎯

The purpose of wordlists is to increase the accuracy of the live captioning output by recognizing specific words that may be difficult for ASR to pick up, such as medical or scientific language, as well as proper nouns or acronyms.

How to Add Wordlists to Live Streams:


➡️ Step 1: Schedule Live Auto Captioning in 3Play

3Play Media My Files page. The navigation bar at the top has a red box around "live auto captioning".

Click Live Auto Captioning located at the top of the My Files page and schedule captions for the live event.


➡️ Step 2: Click Edit

The edit button is selected under the upcoming live auto captioning events

A list of upcoming Live Auto Captioning events will display at the top of the page. Locate the event you would like to add a Wordlist for, then click Edit.


➡️ Step 3: Enable Wordlist for Event

"include a wordlist" checkbox

Toward the bottom of the event options, tick the Include a wordlist checkbox.


➡️ Step 4: Provide a Wordlist

wordlist textbook


➡️ Step 5: Click Submit




Use these important tips to ensure that your wordlists are added correctly 👇


  • Words with 3 or fewer letters will be removed from the list.
  • Do not add words with special characters except for apostrophes and periods.
  • Add full names and phrases whenever possible. If you add a full name, you do not need to add the first and last names separately.
  • Wordlists should be under 75 items in length.

Watch the Toolkit for Live Captioning Events

Discover how to create live captions, tips for the best audio quality, video player compatibility, and more!