Compare 3Play Media with Cielo24

A side-by-side comparison of services, quality, and user experience of 3Play Media vs Cielo24.

🎯 True quality comparison

  • Analysis of each 3Play Media’s vs Cielo24’s measured accuracy rate
💻 Account system audit

  • An inside look inside what each vendor’s account system offers
⚒️ Services breakdown

  • Breakdown of each vendor’s services and customization options
🧩 Features overview

  • Overview of advanced features available by each vendor
🚦 Workflow options

  • Comparison of workflows available to customers for optimization
👍 Customer reviews

  • See what customers are saying about 3Play Media and Cielo24

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What to look for in a captioning vendor:



icon of a video player
A full-service solution

so you don’t have to handle multiple accounts


clock icon
Flexible turnaround

a vendor with multiple turnaround options guarantees you never miss a deadline


dart on the target icon
True 99% accuracy

many captioning vendors offer 99% accuracy – but don’t actually deliver


icon of a computer screen with a checkmark

of workflows, format deliveries, and account system management


icon of a computer monitor
Ease of use

an intuitive UX makes all the difference for you and your team


rocket ship icon

white-glove support for when an unexpected captioning crisis arises


Compare 3Play Media versus Cielo24



Find out why 3Play Media is ranked as the #1 closed captioning vendor

Compare 3Play Media vs Cielo24

3Play Media vs. Rev. 3Play customer says, "3Play Media goes beyond just another captioning company, and provides us with the tools to be efficient and innovative at a cost that doesn’t burn our budget." michale brooks, penn state