Spotlight Chat: Scaling Disability Services with UC Berkeley's DSP

Spotlight Chat: Scaling Disability Services with UC Berkeley’s DSP

Join us for a Spotlight Chat with the University of California at Berkeley (UCB) to explore how their Disabled Students Program (DSP) has streamlined and scaled its operations. Learn how UCB leverages technology and collaborates with key vendors to enhance accessibility and more effectively serve their students.

Hear firsthand from UCB as they share their experiences, challenges, and success stories. This session will provide practical tips and valuable insights for institutions looking to improve accessibility and optimize their processes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover how UCB enhances in-classroom accessibility through the strategic use of technology and vendor partnerships.
  • Learn how UCB has improved workflow efficiency for their accessibility stakeholders, significantly reducing manual tasks and administrative burdens.
  • Explore anticipated developments and enhancements in UCB’s accessibility initiatives, offering a vision for the future of accessibility technology in higher education.