Box integration

3Play Media’s integration with Box streamlines the process of cloud storage and file management with an automated workflow that’s as easy as pushing a button.

Order from either platform and centralize your media accessibility requests – we’ll take care of everything else.

box cloud storage logo

Why integrate?

How it looks:

Upload videos through a 3Play account, or submit videos for services directly from Box.

Once 3Play and Box are linked, we create dedicated folders for uploads and deliverables (pictured at right).

Enable postback for completed files to automatically appear in Box.

screenshot of linking Box account to 3Play Media

3Play Media is the ideal vendor – quick, responsive and able to deliver on their product for good value within a tight timeframe.

Parker Fay
Economist Education

Get started with 3Play Media!

Everything you need to make videos accessible, and the peace of mind to never worry about it again.

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